How a Honolulu Traffic Lawyer Can Help

If you’re worried about your driver’s license or related criminal charges, call Michael Fayard, Criminal Defense Attorney, as soon as you can. There are many benefits to hiring a traffic lawyer.

Appeal an Administrative Driver’s License Revocation

A lawyer can help you appeal an administrative driver’s license suspension after a DUI arrest through the Administrative Driver’s License Revocation Office.

You have a short time to request an administrative appeal after an alcohol-related DUI. According to the ADLRO, you must request reconsideration within three days of your arrest. When you do, the ADLRO has eight days from your arrest to review your license suspension.

  • If the ADLRO agrees with the suspension, you have six days from receiving that decision to request a hearing. The hearing should take place within 25 days of your arrest.
  • You also can make an untimely hearing request. If you request a hearing more than six days after the initial review, but within 60 days of your arrest, the ADLRO schedules a hearing within the next 30 days.
  • If you wait longer than 60 days after your arrest, you lose the right to an ADLRO hearing.

If you were arrested and charged with a drug DUI, then the ADLRO timeline is different. A criminal defense attorney knows the process and the critical deadlines.

Fight a Driver’s License Suspension or Revocation

If you’re facing a traffic violation or crime that could lead to a driver’s license suspension or revocation, the best thing to do is call a defense attorney. Don’t panic at the thought of losing your license. Attorney Fayard helps you understand your options.

Beating the charges is one way to avoid a suspension. You don’t have to automatically pay the fine for a speeding ticket or plead guilty to a DUI. You won’t have any criminal penalties if you successfully fight the charge(s) against you, including driver’s license suspension.

It’s also possible to avoid a suspension or minimize it. A lawyer can show that losing your license would be a significant hardship to you and your family. It may be possible for you to keep your license if you use an ignition interlock device and complete other requirements. Another option would be to recover limited driving privileges that allow you to drive between work and home.

Suspensions vs. Revocations

While you cannot legally drive with either a suspension or a revocation, there’s an essential distinction between them.

  • Suspension: Your driver’s license is returned to you on a specific date. It will be up to you to read the notice and instructions you receive to restore your license.
  • Revocation: You must re-apply for a driver’s license after you complete court-ordered or administrative requirements.

If you aren’t sure whether you’re facing a suspension or revocation or to get help with either situation, a criminal defense attorney can help. Attorney Michael Fayard will explain your situation and what it takes to get your license back. The process varies depending on your specific circumstances.


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When Your License Can Be Suspended or Revoked in Hawaii

The Hawaii DMV or courts can suspend or revoke your license in many situations. Some of the most common ways to lose your license are by:

  • Driving Under the Influence: If you plead guilty or are convicted of a DUI/OVUII, you could automatically lose your license for a time. You may get your driving privileges back sooner with an ignition interlock device. Losing your license as part of a criminal penalty is different from an administrative driver’s license suspension.
  • Implied Consent Violation: If you’re arrested for a DUI and refuse to take a breath, urine, or blood test, you’ve violated Hawaii’s implied consent law. You’ll face an administrative driver’s license suspension for two, three, four, or 10 years, depending on if you have previous offenses in the past five or 10 years.
  • Blood Alcohol Limit Violation: If a chemical test shows your blood alcohol concentration was over the legal limit of .08, you face an administrative driver’s license suspension. You may lose your license for one year, 18 months, two years, or between five and 10 years, depending on your criminal record.
  • Speeding: If you’re found guilty of excessive speeding, you can lose your driving privileges for 15 or 30 days.
  • Other Traffic Violations: Serious traffic violations, like excessive speeding and reckless driving, can lead to a driver’s license suspension.
  • Too Many Traffic Violations: Hawaii doesn’t use driver’s license points, but that doesn’t mean ignoring traffic violations. You can lose your license for a time if you have too many moving violations on your record.
  • Driving Without Auto Insurance: Every vehicle in Hawaii should have auto insurance coverage. If an officer stops you for a traffic violation and finds you lack insurance, that’s a violation. You could lose your license until you can show proof of insurance coverage.
  • Driving Without a License: If an officer discovers you’re driving without a valid driver’s license with you, they’ll ticket you. You could lose your right to get a driver’s license until you complete your sentence or fulfill certain requirements. If you’re a minor, you won’t get your license until you turn 18.
  • Failure to Pay Child Support: This is a civil, not a criminal matter. If you’re required by law to pay child support, and you don’t for at least three months, the Child Support Enforcement Agency can take several actions, including suspending your driver’s license. You’ll have to pay your child support or enter into a payment agreement to get your license back.
He is relentless to ensure his clients are well taken care of.”

- Cliff T

Call a Honolulu Traffic Ticket Lawyer Today

You can fight a driver’s license suspension and revocation, whether it is related to criminal charges or administrative action. Michael Fayard, Criminal Defense Attorney, can help with strategies to get you back on the road as soon as possible.

To get a free consultation, call (808) 445-6708 or use our online contact form.