Michael was co-counsel representing a maritime worker that was injured when a negligent employee struck him in the head with a bell hammer attached to a crane. Pre-trial offer was $0.00.
SR v. TS, et al. – I represented an elderly client that was the injured and was the victim of fraud and theft by thieves using a forged power of attorney and forged deed. Pre-trial offer was $2,500.00.
Michael represented clients that were being sued for more than 750,000.00 plus attorney’s fees and costs. Michael was the third lawyer on the case and hired just before trial. After preparing the case for trial, the Plaintiff agreed to settle for less than 10% of their demand.
Client was sitting on a bench when a negligent driver jumped the curb and struck her. Michael presented a demand to the insurance company and prepared a lawsuit. Insurance adjuster escalated the claim to their Litigation Section. Insurance company promptly tendered a $100,000 settlement.
Michael represented an elderly client that was the victim of a hit and run accident. He prepared to file a civil suit alleging personal injury and bad faith. As a result, the insurance company tendered their policy limits of $100,000.
Client was riding a moped and was involved in a vehicle accident when a negligent driver turned in front of him. He was taken to the hospital and received treatment for his injuries. Insurance company tendered policy limits and paid all medical bills.
Michael represented a client charged with Grand Theft over $50,000.00. After his independent investigation, the state dismissed all charges.
Client was a home installation specialist that was on a job-site. The homeowner’s dog jumped and bit the client on the chin. The Insurance company paid all medical bills and tendered settlement at mediation.
Michael represented a client that was arrested for Felony Scheme to Defraud and he faced 30 years in prison. Client was on probation for a similar crime. Aggressive negotiations and exculpatory evidence led to the case being dismissed.
Client had joint custody with her child’s father. Child’s father filed a custody action seeking emergency pick-up and change of custody by filing falsified UCCJEA affidavits and petitions in a court that was not the home state of the child. Michael filed a motion to dismiss based on lack of jurisdiction (subject matter and personal). Child’s father dismissed the case to avoid sanctions and attorney’s fees. Client retained full custody of her minor child.