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Online formHawaii has some of the strictest gun laws in the country. If you have been charged with a gun crime in Honolulu, the consequences of a conviction could change your life forever. No matter what type of gun charge you are facing, it is imperative that you have a defense attorney to fight for your future. Michael Fayard, Criminal Defense Attorney, is ready to help defend your gun rights and help you dodge a conviction for the charges against you. You need a legal advocate with extensive knowledge of Hawaii’s criminal defense system. Contact us today to schedule your confidential case review with our online form.
Hawaii gun laws are strict. You could be charged with a firearm-related offense in many instances. The unlawful use, possession, or sale of a weapon is considered a felony offense in the state of Hawaii.
Any of these crimes involving firearms could result in severe criminal penalties. Some of the more common types of gun crimes you could be charged with in Honolulu include:
The criminal consequences you can face for a gun crime conviction can vary widely depending on the type of gun crime you are charged with.
For example, if you are found guilty of possessing a gun as a convicted felon, you could be charged with a felony, punishable by up to 10 years in prison and fines as high as $25,000. Individuals convicted of felony offenses are prohibited from possessing a firearm or other weapon under Hawaii law.
However, if you were a first-time offender accused of illegally possessing a firearm, you could face misdemeanor charges. If convicted, you could be fined up to $2,000 and spend up to one year in jail.
Criminal penalties are not the only consequences of a gun crime charge in Honolulu. Some of the other consequences you could face include:
If you are arrested and charged with a felony offense and had a firearm in your possession, the charges against you could be exponentially more severe. You can expect the charges against you to be considered violent. The court may consider you a violent offender and treat you as such.
You may have additional restrictions if you are considered a threat to society. Suppose you are convicted of a felony with the use of a firearm. In that case, you could face additional prison time, fines, or even have your charges increased up to the federal level depending on the circumstances of your case.
Michael was co-counsel representing a maritime worker that was injured when a negligent employee struck him in the head with a bell hammer attached to a crane. Pre-trial offer was $0.00.
SR v. TS, et al. – I represented an elderly client that was the injured and was the victim of fraud and theft by thieves using a forged power of attorney and forged deed. Pre-trial offer was $2,500.00.
You could use multiple potential defenses to challenge the gun crime charges against you, including:
The state’s prosecuting attorney may be willing to enter a plea agreement with you in limited circumstances. You may be required to meet the terms of the plea agreement to get the charges against you reduced or dismissed entirely.
Some of the terms of these programs could include court-ordered anger management, firearms training, mental health counseling or evaluations, community service, drug or alcohol treatment, and more.
Once you have completed the terms of the program, the state will dismiss the charges against you, and your record will be clear. However, if you do not meet the terms set by your program, the plea agreement will no longer be valid, and your original charges will apply.
After being arrested for a firearms-related offense, you may wonder what to expect from the defense process. Here is a basic idea of what you can expect after you have been charged with a gun crime in Honolulu:
Your gun crime attorney will be an essential advocate as you face these charges. Your lawyer will ensure that your Second Amendment rights are not violated and that you are protected against false allegations.
If you want to be a responsible gun owner in the state of Hawaii, there are specific rules and regulations you need to know, including:
Many parties are prohibited from owning firearms in the state of Hawaii. These parties include:
Gun crimes across Hawaii carry harsh penalties. Having an experienced criminal defense attorney on your side has never been more critical when you have been charged with a gun crime in Honolulu.
Reach out to attorney Michael Fayard for a confidential review of your case today. Learn more about which options could be most suited for your defense when you call our office at 808-445-6708 or fill out our secured contact form.